Best Bulgarian Places Photos and Details

Hospitable Bulgaria receives tourists all year round. The sights of Bulgaria and excellent hotel service are a good reason to visit a sunny country. Golden Sands, Borovets and many medical resorts form the basis of numerous tourist routes that are run by well-trained guides .. And any direction of travel chosen by tourists guarantees them an interesting story about all the sights, monuments and monuments on the way.

What to see in Bulgaria first

The main stage of travel planning is the choice of where and in what sequence to go, and we have put together a list of world-famous sights. If you will be guides in Bulgaria , then organizational issues can be solved much easier and faster, leaving yourself time to get acquainted with local traditions.

1. Aladzha Monastery (Varna)

Sights of Bulgaria - Aladzha Monastery
Rock monastery Aladzha
Aladzha Monastery was lost near the Golden Sands resort. It is difficult to determine the style of its architecture, because it is carved into the rock, and the rock is almost sheer. It is difficult to get into it, and it is almost invisible from the side. Among all the attractions of Bulgaria, the monastery is one of the oldest sites. The time of its foundation is considered the 4th century. Until the attack of the Ottoman conquerors, the monastery was active. It ceased to function in the fourteenth century.
The medieval monastery will be interesting to those who decide what to visit in Bulgaria. The unique complex is open from May to October. More information about its history can be found in the museum, which is located at the very entrance to the monastery.
Christian hermits, once located here, lived on the first level of the building. Here is a kitchen, a temple and monastic cells. On the second floor of the monastery is a chapel. The rock is large enough, it has many narrow gorges in which it is easy to get lost. According to legend, it was in them that the unfortunate monks hid from cruel Ottomans.

2. Rila Monastery (Sofia)

Sights of Bulgaria - Rila Monastery
The main church of the Rila Monastery in Sofia
Near Sofia you can see the main shrine of Bulgaria - the Rila Monastery. He is male and located in the mountains. Orthodox monks from the 10th century found solace in prayers. The founder of the monastery was John Rylsky. Having settled in one of the crevices, he attracted many of his students here, who gradually began to settle in these rocks.
At different times, earthquakes and fires destroyed the monastery almost to the foundation. He suffered greatly from the raids of the Turks. But the inhabitants of Bulgaria are reverent of Orthodox shrines, so the monastery was always restored in its pristine beauty.
If you have not decided what to visit in Bulgaria, be sure to pay attention to this object. The relics of John of Rylsky are stored here. In addition, the miraculous icon of the Virgin Guidebook (Hodegetria) is also stored in the archives of the monastery.
Travelers will be interested in the unique cross of Raphael. It engraved 650 figures united by a religious theme. The wall murals of the monastery delight! All of them are handmade and executed with the greatest love and the same great craftsmanship.
For a detailed acquaintance with the monastery, you can visit the museum located nearby. Several decades ago, the Rila Monastery was included in the list of UNESCO sites.
Official website:

3. The old town of Nessebar (Nessebar)

Sights of Bulgaria - Old Town of Nessebar
Nessebar Old Town - Bulgarian Pearl
The architectural pearl of the country is the city of NessebarIt is located on a peninsula whose length is only 850 m. The closest neighbor of the city is Burgas.
The history of Nessebar has more than one millennium. In archaeological surveys, which were carried out here at different times, there are reports on the finds of various civilizations and cultures. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and since 1956, Nessebar officially received the status of a museum city.
Its unique feature is the fact that tourists can see the part of the city that went under water several centuries ago. Modern Nessebar is located on a small piece of land, but almost 50 Orthodox churches are concentrated on it. And the underwater part of the city is clearly visible in clear weather.

4. Tsarevets Fortress (Veliko Tarnovo)

Sights of Bulgaria - Tsarevets Fortress
Medieval fortress Tsarevets on a rocky hill
Think what to visit in Bulgaria? Do not hesitate, the Tsarevets fortress is open to visitors all year round. In different directories, the Tsarevets fortress is designated differently. Somewhere you can see references to the fact that this is an architectural and historical monument. Somewhere he is indicated as an upscale hotel with excellent service.
But to see this boutique hotel, which is located in Veliko Tarnovo, is worth it, if only to enjoy the magnificent audiovisual show “Light and Sound”.
Service at the hotel begins with accommodation in comfortable compact rooms. All the benefits of civilization are provided to those who come to get acquainted with the sights of Bulgaria. Near the hotel, tourists will be met by private parking, which you will not have to pay for.
The hotel has only 3 floors. A staircase of yellow sandstone leads to them. The hotel has been refurbished in an elegant style and is a pleasure to stay in at any time of the year.
Official website: http: //www.bulgariatravel

5. The Palace of Queen Mary (Balchik)

Sights of Bulgaria - Queen Mary's Palace
Queen Mary's summer residence with minaret and botanical garden
Those who value aesthetics and harmony in architecture seek to visit the beautiful palace of Queen Mary. This is one of the most famous historical monuments of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Now it is restored and protected by the state.
The palace is the summer residence of Queen Mary. This is an amazingly beautiful place, surrounded by fabulous flowers and evergreens. The greenhouses surrounding the palace are shattered with scientific precision. There are many elegant compositions from living plants, as well as architectural ensembles.
Tourists are always surprised how the modest decoration of the palace does not correspond to its name. This is a two-story building of several rooms. The throne of Mary is made of stone. According to legend, it was from him that the queen loved to admire sunrise and sunset. Interestingly, tourists are always given the opportunity to sit on this throne.
Official website:
Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Bulgaria!

6. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Sofia)

Sights of Bulgaria - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Temple Monument of St. Alexander Nevsky in Sofia
What to see in Bulgaria? Of course, in your journey you can not ignore the main Sofia Cathedral named after Alexander Nevsky. The complex architecture of the structure seems surprising to our contemporaries. The imposing and in its own way majestic cathedral is capable of hosting 5,000 believers at the same time.
The base of the cathedral is associated with the 19th century. In 1882, the first stone was solemnly laid at the site of the future structure. The event was timed to the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russian-Turkish war. But construction work began only at the beginning of the 20th century. The consecration of the cathedral took place in 1912.
The events of World War II almost destroyed the cathedral, but today it is restored in its original historical form. The reconstruction work was led by the architect Pomerantsev, who is a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts.
The main altar of the temple is named after Alexander Nevsky. The museum fund of the cathedral is very rich. In it, in particular, you can see over 270 frescoes and almost 100 icons. The scale of the structure is indicated by the fact that the dome of the church reaches a height of 45 m. And the crosses on the domes reach a 5-meter height. The total weight of the domes is 23 tons, so their sound seems especially impressive.

7. Bachkovo Monastery (Bachkovo)

Sights of Bulgaria - Bachkovo Monastery
General view of the Bachkovo Monastery
The Bachkovo monastery has a second name - Petritsonsky. This attraction of Bulgaria is included in the list of national monuments protected by the state. This monastery has brought together several cultures. It was founded in the 11th century by Gregory Bakuriani, a Byzantine military leader. Together with him, the project was led by his brother.
Since both brothers were Georgians, initially the temple was visited by monks from this country. The monks of Bulgaria began to appear here only from the 14th century. The monastery, like many of Bulgaria's sights, was destroyed by the Ottomans in the fifteenth century. It took as long as 100 years for the Bachkovo Monastery to be completely restored.
Representatives of different cultures fought for the right to own the monastery for a long time. The Greek-Bulgarian discussion lasted almost the entire 19th century. And in the end, the temple became the property of Bulgaria. In the very center of the church was built the Holy Trinity. Near the monastery there is a cemetery on which the founder’s family rests.
Official website: http: //www.bachkovskimanastir

8. Roman Amphitheater (Plovdiv)

Sights of Bulgaria - Roman Amphitheater
Roman Amphitheater in Plovdiv
The Roman Amphitheater is on the list of those attractions that you must see in Bulgaria. Plovdiv is a city of contrasts. Modern high-rise buildings peacefully coexist here with ancient buildings, which have long been classified as historical monuments. There are about 200 such iconic objects in Plovdiv. The Roman Amphitheater is one of them.
The structure of the city is interesting. It is divided into New and Old. At the same time, Old is like a city inside the city. He was restored on the donations of the Bulgarians with the participation of the state. Currently, it is an open-air museum.
Among the attractions of Bulgaria that are available here are the basilica, theater, as well as the Roman Amphitheater. According to legend, the amphitheater was built by the emperor Trajan, and the period of its construction dates back to the middle of the 2nd century AD. The amphitheater is still operational.

9. Wine Museum (Pleven)

Sights of Bulgaria - Wine Museum
Wine Museum in Pleven in the Kailaka Park
To visit Bulgaria and not to get acquainted with the wine museum means not to see all the sights in Bulgaria. It is located next to the artificial reservoir in Pleven. The entrance to the museum is made in a colorful manner. It is as if cut down in a cave.
Stylish heavy grilles serve as protection for windows in the manner of a medieval castle. The arch leading inward is made as if from uncouth rough stones. But in fact, the construction meets all modern engineering requirements.
In 1902, the national institute of wine began to function in Pleven. Professional viticulture art is fully represented in the museum. It would be strange, introducing tourists to the sights of Bulgaria, to ignore the wines, which are considered to be national masterpieces. The generous southern sun of Bulgaria allows the vine to ripen fully, so Bulgarian wines are famous for their especially rich taste.
The museum has two tasting rooms and an exhibition pavilion. Those who are interested in the history of Bulgarian winemaking can visit the historical hall. The richness of the assortment is evidenced by the fact that the museum's collection contains 12,000 brands of wine.

10. Hagia Sophia (Sofia)

Sights of Bulgaria - Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia - a symbol of the Bulgarian capital
Hagia Sophia is a landmark not only in Bulgaria, but also a notable phenomenon of world art. This is an active Orthodox church. In Bulgaria, they appreciate and honor this cathedral. It is depicted on the coat of arms of Sofia.
Hagia Sophia was built in the 4th century. Initially, it was a modest and nondescript church, but, at the behest of the Roman emperor Constantine 1, a magnificent cathedral was later built on the site of a small church.
The monumentality of the design is always admired by tourists. If you are considering what to see in Bulgaria, Hagia Sophia should be the first item on your trip. The barbarians almost completely destroyed the cathedral, but it was restored during the reign of Justinian 1.
The composition of the temple is a cross. The unusual structure is that the domes are sloping flat. Periodically, the cathedral was reconstructed. At the end of the 20th century, regular restoration work was done on the territory of the cathedral and ancient Roman catacombs were found.
On the territory of the cathedral today is a beautiful monument to the doctor. It is dedicated to Russian doctors who died during the Russian-Turkish war.

Sights of Bulgaria: what else to visit while in Bulgaria

Studying the country's historical and natural monuments will bring great pleasure to both children and adults, especially since you can create a route that will be suitable for the duration and fit into your budget. No less memorable will be excursions in Bulgaria to the places presented in the list below.

11. Bulgarian city-reserve (Veliko Tarnovo)

Sights of Bulgaria - Bulgarian city-reserve
Picturesque corner of the reserve town of Veliko Tarnovo
Veliko Tarnovo is a small town, but it plays a big role in the cultural life of Bulgaria. It is a recognized center for literature and architecture. At different time stages, the city was ruled by Ivan Shishman, Ivan Alexander, Ivan Asen 2. By the 14th century the city was actively built up, it had many beautiful monuments of architecture and architecture. But in 1393, the Ottomans almost completely burned Veliko Tarnovo.
During the long Ottoman rule, Bulgarian authenticity was almost exterminated. In 1878, the Turkish yoke fell, and the city began to gradually revive. Currently, there are many iconic objects, because it is not without reason that Veliko Tarnovo is considered a city - reserve. Particular pride of citizens is the Patriarchal Ascension Cathedral and the Church of Saints Paul and Peter.

12. Gabrovo

Sights of Bulgaria - Gabrovo
Sunny summer day in Gabrovo
On the northern slope of Stara Mountain, there is the amazing city of Gabrovo, one of the most striking sights in Bulgaria. Since the 14th century, Gabrovo has been steadily gaining economic weight, crafts are developing here and trade is actively conducted. But the status of the city of Gabrovo received only in 1860. The city entered a period of intensive economic development since 1878, when Bulgaria was liberated from the Ottoman yoke.
Currently, Gabrovo has a fairly well-developed engineering industry. The mischievous spirit of the Gabrovians and their sparkling jokes are known all over the world. The city is traditionally considered not only the economic capital of Bulgaria, but also the capital of humor. Here, for example, there is a House of satire and humor.
One of its exhibits was a copy of the Honorary Certificate on the assignment of the asteroid (minor planet) No. 2206 named after Gabrovo. The casuistry of this event is that asteroid number 2206 was discovered on World Laughter Day.
The city has the same reputation as Odessa in Ukraine. Every year it hosts humorous festivals. At various times, Russian cartoonists Mikhail Zlatkovsky and Vitaliy Peskov became laureates of Gabrovo festivals.

13. Jumaya Mosque (Plovdiv)

Sights of Bulgaria - Jumaya Mosque
Jumai Mosque on Jumayat Square in Plovdiv
Bulgaria is not only full of Christian monuments and cathedrals. In the city of Plovdiv there is a mosque Dzhumaya. It will be interesting to those who are in thought what to see in Bulgaria. The mosque was built in 1364, almost immediately after the conquest of Plovdiv by the Ottomans. It is significant that earlier on the site of the mosque was the Cathedral of St. Petka Tarnovskaya. That is, the mosque had a significant religious significance.
In its original form, the mosque lasted 60 years. Sultan Murad 2 ordered to destroy the building and erect a new, more monumental and majestic. Currently, the Jumai Mosque exists in this form. This is one of the old religious symbols. The construction is built in 2 rows of bricks. In addition, there is a number of wild stone in the masonry. The domes are covered with lead, and the minaret rises above the northeastern part of the mosque.
The interior of the mosque is richly decorated with sculptures on the theme of floristry. In addition, according to Muslim tradition, the mosque is decorated with quotes from the Koran embossed in stone. Currently, the entrance to the prayer hall is carried out by passing a strict dress code, which implies the absence of shoes and the presence of clothing that covers the whole body. For women, a scarf is required. This is because the mosque remains operational.

14. Varna

Sights of Bulgaria - Varna
Varna - the sea capital of Bulgaria
Varna is a port city and at the same time one of the largest Bulgarian resorts. From the 6th century BC Varna was considered the Greek colony of Odessos. In the twelfth century, the name Varna was first defined in its modern form. The city is named in tune with the flowing Varna River.
The hotel service in Varna is brought to the highest European level. Here tourists are offered both five-star and more budget hotels. Among the attractions of Bulgaria, you should definitely visit the Assumption Cathedral, the Archaeological Museum, Aladzha Monastery.
Those traveling with children will be interested to see the Dolphinarium and the Marine Garden Park. In dolphinariums, dolphin performances are systematically held, here you can see these beautiful animals in all their splendor. The marine garden, which stretches for several kilometers along the Black Sea coast, was founded over a century ago. It contains the rarest exhibits of local flora.
Having close ties with Russia, Varna carefully treats monuments to Russian soldiers. In addition, the city has streets named after Alexander Pushkin , Gabriel Derzhavin , Vladimir Vysotsky, as well as Tsar Liberator Square.

15. Kamchia Nature Reserve (Kamchia)

Sights of Bulgaria - Kamchia Nature Reserve
View of the unique Kamchia Nature Reserve
The reserve is located 25 kilometers from Varna and crowns the natural sights of Bulgaria. This territory received the status of a reserve in 1951. The reserve became a UNESCO site in 1977 under the program "Man and the Biosphere." This is a unique biosphere reserve, the purpose of which is to preserve the ecological purity and originality of the flora and fauna of this area.
Forests along the Kamchia River are preserved intact. It is strictly forbidden to cut down trees, and all plants are protected by the state. Since 1984, the area of ​​the reserve is 842 hectares.
In total, 245 species of various plants are registered here. Amazingly beautiful panoramic landscapes attract tourists from all over the world. Excursions are always accompanied by professional guides. Kamchia Nature Reserve is located in the Avren and Dolni Chiflik communities.
As for the animal world, it is also under state protection. In particular, a large ornithological diversity is noted in the reserve. More than 250 species of birds live here. Rare birds are registered on the territory of the reserve, which create all conditions for maintaining the population.
These include, for example, black stork, Lesser spotted spotted eagle, Chyglok. The reserve is interesting to many tourists, and it is included in popular tourist routes. Especially often it is visited by vacationers in the nearby resorts of Kamchia and Shkorpilovtsi.
Visits to the reserve are strictly regulated, since it belongs to the sights of Bulgaria that are carefully guarded by the state. Of course, hunting is prohibited at any time.
The climatic conditions here are very favorable for recreation. For example, in this region there is high air humidity, and the average temperature in summer does not exceed 23 degrees Celsius. Despite the fact that coastal forests are sometimes flooded during the meltwater season, local authorities are trying to maintain an optimal ecological balance.

16. The rotunda of St. George (Sofia)

Rotunda of St. George in Bulgaria
View of the altar of the rotunda of St. George in the background of the Sheraton Hotel in Sofia
The oldest cathedral in Sofia is the rotunda of St. George, built in the 4th century on the site of ancient Serdica. For many years the church was a baptistery, and in the 16th century, when Bulgaria came into the possession of the Turks, Muslims converted it into a mosque. After these lands were reclaimed, the Christian church was restored, and during a large-scale restoration, unique early Christian murals were discovered on the walls, later painted over by Muslims. Today, the rotunda has become a museum, but today services are regularly held here. The building is made of brick, has narrow high windows, 6 semi-circular outbuildings, and inside you can see ancient frescoes, on top of which a little more than a century ago, intricate Muslim patterns flaunted. Today, a rather ascetic rotunda stands out spectacularly against the background of modern Sofia buildings,

17. Boyana church (Boyana village)

Boyana Church in Bulgaria
The medieval Boyana church in the village of Boyana at the foot of the Vitosha mountains in Bulgaria
There are 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Bulgaria, and the Boyana Church in the suburbs of Sofia is one of them. It is located in the Boyana district at the very foot of the famous Bulgarian mountain Vitosha. Due to the fact that the church was built in 3 stages, it consists of three corresponding parts. The first is a single apse temple built in the 10th century. The second is a two-story church, built in the 13th century by Tsar Kaloyan, there was a family tomb and a chapel for the royal family. The third is a rather new extension, which appeared here already in the 19th century on the donations of parishioners. The main value of the temple today is the preserved wall paintings made in the medieval period in the best Byzantine traditions.
Official website: http: //www.boyanachurch

18. Fortress and rocks of Belogradchik (Belogradchik)

Fortress and rocks of Belogradchik in Bulgaria
Gates and walls of the Belogradchik fortress on the northern slope of the Balkan Mountains in Bulgaria
Fortress and rocks of Belogradchik in Bulgaria
Belogradchik rocks - a group of sandstones up to 200 meters high near the city of Belogradchik
There are historical sights of Bulgaria, the presentation of which presents them not only from the perspective of history, but also from the point of view of natural aesthetics. So, Belogradchik combined two interesting objects - picturesque rocks and an ancient, well-preserved fortress. The settlement here was formed at the very beginning of our era - at this place there were several convenient mountain trails, so the Romans decided to erect the first fortifications here. During the construction of the fortress walls, they were partly built of brick and stone, and partly, the red sandstone cliffs located here were used, so the main part of the fortress is mainly of natural origin. At various times, the Romans, Turks, Byzantines, and Bulgarians worked on its construction. There are two interesting caves in the rocks,

19. Rozhen Monastery (5 km from the town of Melnik)

Rozhen Monastery in Bulgaria
The medieval Orthodox Rozhen Monastery in the Pirin Mountains in southwestern Bulgaria
Rozhen Monastery in Bulgaria
Three-story residential buildings with galleries in the courtyard of the Nativity Monastery
On the top of the Bulgarian mountain Pirin, about 5 kilometers from the town of Melnik, is the medieval 9th ​​century Rozhensky monastery, one of the most revered monasteries in the country. In the 16-17th centuries, the buildings were painted in the best traditions of the Athos school, and in the 19th century the monastery acquired the status of the largest cultural and spiritual center of the country. A school of calligraphy was opened here and several valuable manuscripts were written, including the famous “Interpretation of Job”. Nowadays, the monastery is maintained in excellent tidy condition and is open to visitors. Externally, the Rozhen Monastery looks like a real fortress that can withstand a serious siege - monastic cells and refectory serve as fortifications. In the courtyard you can also see your interesting places -it housed a large farm with a farm and vineyards. The main value of the monastery is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin with the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary.

20. Thracian tomb in Kazanlak (Kazanlak)

Thracian tomb in Kazanlak in Bulgaria
The dome over the Thracian tomb and the arch (left) of the Ottoman period in the Tulbeto Park Izvora
Thracian tomb in Kazanlak in Bulgaria
Chariot racing - preserved murals in the Thracian tomb near the city of Kazanlak Psy guy
Kazanlak is famous for its mysterious monument, the history of which dates back to antiquity. The Thracian tomb, once buried underground, miraculously survived to this day. Thrace was once a prosperous state, but to this day the Thracians have not been studied enough, primarily due to their lack of written language. In the 5-4 century. BC. on this earth the city of Thrace Sevtopolis existed - it was during this period that the burial mounds of the Thracian kings were made. Today, the ruins of Sevtopolis lie at the bottom of the Koprinka reservoir near Kazanlak. The tomb itself, discovered only in the middle of the last century, consists of 3 connected rooms. The vestibule, made of large stone, has been preserved only partially. A corridor leads from it to the burial chamber with well-preserved frescoes,
Official website: http: //www.muzei-kazanlak

21. Valley of Roses (Bulgaria)

Valley of Roses in Bulgaria
Damask rose plantations in the Valley of Roses at the foot of the Stara Planina mountains in Bulgaria
For those who travel to the Balkans, not only see cultural and historical heritage, but also relax in nature, there are suitable sights in Bulgaria: Sunny Beach and the millennial cities of Nessebar and Sozopol, Golden Sands and Alben with the widest sandy strip of snow-white coast - and this just a beach holiday. But there are unusually beautiful places in the mountains of Bulgaria - a vivid example of this is the Valley of Roses, located between the Balkan Mountains and the Sredna Gora mountain range. This place is rightfully considered a national symbol, because Bulgaria is often called the "land of roses." To obtain rose oil that is useful in cosmetics, roses are grown on an industrial scale, but plantings do not look like farmland, but like a magical garden that blooms beautifully in May-June.

22. The village of Shiroka-Lyka (Smolyan region)

The village of Shiroka Lika in Bulgaria
The original village of Shiroka Lika of the 17th century in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria
Choosing what to see in Bulgaria in winter ,it is worth remembering that in view of the mountainous landscape in the country there are ski resorts with an excellent level of service, including the Pamporovo resort with dozens of hotels and a total length of pistes of about 55 kilometers. Having rolled enough from the snowy slopes, you can go to the architectural reserve located 16 km from here - the old Bulgarian Village of Shiroka-Lika in the Rhodope Mountains. In winter, this ethnographic settlement looks especially picturesque, with its narrow and sunken streets, on both sides of which are stone houses with wooden gates and neat verandas. The village architecture from the 17th century has retained its original appearance, color and identity. Shiroka Lika is also known as the venue for the annual March festival of cookers (mummers), and it is also famous for its Ethnographic Museum,

23. The fortress of Baba Vida (Vidin)

Baba Vida fortress in Bulgaria
The medieval fortress of Baba Vida in the city of Vidin on the banks of the Danube Klearchos Kapoutsis
Baba Vida fortress in Bulgaria
The territory of the Baba Vida fortress is open for tourists and vacationers all year round Elena Chochkova
Baba Vida is the only surviving fortress of the Middle Ages in Bulgaria, located in the city of Vidin on the banks of the Danube. The area of ​​the structure with a defense moat is more than 9 hectares, and the fortification consists of an external high wall with a thickness of about 2 meters with 9 towers, as well as an internal wall surrounding the area built up with buildings. From the middle of the last century to the present day, the fortress has been open to the public: two towers are available for visiting, and a museum operates in the former prison, where instruments of torture are presented as exhibits, and the figures of the victim and executioner are recreated. On the terrace you can see a real medieval gallows, and a little further on are ancient cannons. Once upon a time, a medieval festival was held within the walls of the fortress, but today there is a summer theater with 350 spectators

24. The ruins of ancient Pliska (Pliska)

The ruins of ancient Pliska in Bulgaria
The ruins of the Great Basilica of Pliska in the national historical and archaeological reserve "Pliska"
In Bulgaria, you can find a huge number of antiquities, especially in this regard, the city of Pliska distinguished itself. The ruins of a medieval city occupy a huge area of ​​2300 hectares - once it was a large prosperous city and the capital of the Bulgarian state. Before the conquest of Pliska in the 9th century, Byzantium was mainly wooden structures, and later new fortress walls and stone buildings appeared in their place, there was even a water supply network of clay and tin pipes, connected to public baths. The adoption of Christianity played an important role in the development of Pliska when the active construction of churches began here, one of which, the Great Basilica, has partially survived to this day. Excavations of the ancient city started in 1899 and are still ongoing.

25. Shipkinsky Pass and the Freedom Monument

Shipka Pass and Freedom Monument in Bulgaria
View of the Freedom Monument at Shipka Pass Infobgv
While the sights of Bulgaria on the Black Sea coast are numerous resorts that are considered the best place to relax with children, with affordable prices, plenty of entertainment and a decent level of service, then away from the coast, beautiful places are concentrated in the mountains. So, in the Balkan Mountains there is one unique place - Shipkinsky Pass, through which the highway connecting the cities of Kazanlak and Gabrovo passes. But not only the beauty of the mountain scenery attracts tourists here - at the peak of Stoletov there is a Freedom Memorial, erected in memory of the soldiers who died in the struggle for the liberation of Bulgaria in the Russian-Turkish war in the late 19th century. Thus, Shipkinsky Pass has the status of not so much natural as the historical sights of Bulgaria.
 Near Bulgaria is a country of friendly and cordial people - Serbia. While in Bulgaria, consider visiting this country as well. Explore the sights of Serbia and be inspired to continue your journey through Eastern Europe!

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