Many times we have doubts to choose the next traveling destination, the recommendations of friends and acquaintances sheds some light, but if the suggestions come from a series of experts and specialists, such as Lonely Planet, much better . Best in Travel is a ranking on travel trends for next year, with a selection of countries, regions, cities and destinations with better value for money that travelers should consult before traveling, as they are really interesting and different proposals.
A top ten list with cities that deserve an immediate visit before they become the target of tourists.
10 cities
Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg boasts of being a world stage, about 4,000 cultural events take place throughout the year, but the best known and world-famous is the Salzburg Festival, with more than 200 musical performances that take place during the summer, in 2020 will celebrate its first centenary.
But this small city of 150,000 inhabitants also has 20 baroque churches, 50 art galleries, and more than 20 museums. Walking among its streets, especially in winter, is like doing it in a fairy tale: cobbled streets, Christmas markets, an old town declared a World Heritage Site, ... there is no doubt that it has a lot of charm.
Washington, DC, USA

The capital of the United States is impressive. Washington DC is defined as elegant and modern, bustling as all capital but strictly tidy and clean, in addition, it exhibits a strong symbolism which is difficult to stay out of since here the three powers of the State (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) have their headquarters ).
The whole city is dotted with monuments, such as the Obelisk and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, which can be admired while walking through its impeccable streets and parks (it has the highest percentage of green spaces in the entire country), where its buildings and mansions are They show impressive, like the famous White House.
Cairo, Egypt

Egypt remains full of unsolved riddles that only perpetuate a mystery halo. And its capital, Cairo, is an extensive city with 553 square kilometers and 16 million inhabitants. It can be defined as chaotic, loud, intense and spectacular. Here the old buildings coexist in narrow and labyrinthine streets, with new and expensive constructions, old bazaars that return us to the medieval times with modern shopping centers, creating endless contrasts.
But we must not forget that its ancient wonders, the pyramids of Cheops, Chephren, and Micerinos located less than 20 kilometers from the capital, leave those who contemplate them for the first time breathless. In addition, in the future, whoever wishes to contemplate the treasures of the country will have to visit the Great Egyptian Museum.
Galway, Ireland

Galway, a small Irish city of fewer than 80,000 inhabitants also known as the 'city of the 14 tribes',. Next year it will be the European Capital of Culture, and it is a vibrant and colorful city facing the sea, full of pubs where there is always live music, and streets full of street artists offering their free concerts.
A seaside town that allows you to see beautiful sunrises from its bay, but the best is in the center, where young people spend their hours and where the atmosphere is more fun.
Bonn, Germany

Bonn is a small city located in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and during 2020 it will celebrate the 250th birthday of Beethoven's birth. In fact, his birthplace is a museum whose interior contains the largest collection about the musician and his family. The ancient capital of West Germany is modern and cosmopolitan, but it maintains some architectural treasures from different eras and styles. It is worth noting is the Poppelsdorf palace in the baroque style of the eighteenth century, you can also see the ruins of the ancient walls of the thirteenth century, among other wonders.
La Paz, Bolivia

At 3,640 meters above sea level, La Paz is the highest capital on the planet. It is located in a canyon created by the Choqueyapu River and is surrounded by the high mountains of the Altiplano. With this altitude, Bolivians enjoy a cable car that connects the center with the El Alto neighborhood. They are 30 kilometers long that have achieved that this means of transport and tourist claim has earned an entry in the Guinness book of records. In addition, being surrounded by hills, it has different viewpoints from which it is possible to obtain privileged views.
Cochin, India

Cochin is a city in the Indian state of Kerala and popularly receives the name 'The Queen of the Arabian Sea'. A bohemian city that has nothing to do with the rest of India, where it is possible to enjoy the slow life surrounded by palm trees, beaches, Ayurveda therapies, houseboat s, old rice boats converted into lodgings, along with synagogues and churches, Secret gardens, stately homes, and small cafes that smell like spices. It also has the Kochi International Airport, the first in the world to supply 100% solar energy.
Vancouver, Canada

One of the cities with the highest quality of life in the world is Vancouver. Located between the Strait of Georgia and the Coastal Mountains. Its landscapes are impressive, full of long, flat and serene beaches, and majestic mountains. One of the postcards that remain in the memory of the visitor is tall glass buildings typical of the economic center that contrasts with the green and mountainous horizon. But it is also a lively and lively city, full of cafes, bars, restaurants, and shops that offer multiple leisure, gastronomy and entertainment options.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai is known for its luxurious commerce, ultramodern architecture such as the Burj Khalifa and its lively nightlife, to which tourist attractions such as the desert, beaches, markets, and Arab culture are added. Highlights the upcoming celebration of Expo 2020, which will last six months and will have the participation of 190 countries presenting the latest in sustainability and mobility (including flying cars) in pavilions of impressive architecture built for the occasion.
Denver, USA

Denver is the capital and largest city of the state of Colorado . It also receives the nickname Mile-High City because its official altitude is exactly one mile (1609 meters) above sea level . Through its buildings you can go through three important stages of the city: the Victorian era, with the discovery of silver; later the discovery of gold in the neighborhood of Cripple Creek, and finally the contemporary with more than 16 skyscrapers in the Downtown area. A city known for its restaurants and breweries where they are manufactured by hand. A large city still with a scent of a villa.